On the 78th anniversary of the Romani Uprising in Auschwitz, the transnational Roma network remembers the victims of the Porrajmos and honors their courageous act of May 16th, 1944. Check out what we have planned for this special day!

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'The Proud Roma Movements' is proud to present the next in a series of portraits introducing the people behind the Roma movements of Europe today.

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On the occasion of International Roma Day, the network of Proud Roma, Free Europe organized a wide range of activities, celebrating our pride, our culture, our progress, our humanity and our determination.

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On the occasion of the upcoming International Roma Day, ERIAC is taking part in a series of events in multiple European cities, focusing on selected themes of Roma arts and culture. Here is an overview of ERIAC’s planned activities and collaborations for April 8, 2022.

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Tras el exitoso estreno internacional en enero de 2022, las versiones española y catalana de la película se estrenan en línea el 1 de marzo, Día de la Cero Discriminación, con el claro propósito de amplificar los mensajes de amor y solidaridad de la película, y "promover la inclusión, la compasión, la paz y, sobre todo, un movimiento para el cambio".

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This month, Emil Metodiev's portrait series 'The Proud Roma Movements' featured members of the Opre Roma Srbija movement. Watch the video interview with Jelena Reljic and Dragan Stankovic to find out more.

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